About Us

Chattanooga Culture specializes in holistic kombucha but dabbles in all cultured foods! Established in 2022 out of our new homestead in Cleveland, TN, now located at the Kitchen Incubator of Chattanooga, we are a unique, holistic wellness-based food and beverage company looking to bring nature’s medicine into the hands of Chattanoogans. Our products are non-toxic and made with the most sustainable ingredients possible. Currently, we are offering a variety of yerba mate, coffee, and tea based kombucha flavors in both kegs and bottles. Whether you want to stock your refrigerator shelves or get a kegerator into your space, we’ve got you covered! Reach out today for your free sample.

The Brewer

Hello! My name is Matt Cone and I am here to serve this beautiful, wild world we find ourselves in. I am originally from Marietta, GA but grew up rowing on the Tennessee River and knew Chattanooga always had a special place in my heart. I was raised in a pretty unconventional way, on a lake, going to Montessori school, restricted from unhealthy foods, so from an early age I understood the benefit of connecting with nature and living a holistic lifestyle. Over the years this interest peaked and it led me to Life University where I got my degree in Health and Wellness, followed by certificates in massage, meditation, energy work, mindfulness and stress reduction. Kombucha has been an underlying passion for 6 years now and I am finally ready to integrate all of my knowledge into one holistic company, Chattanooga Culture. Thank you for being here!
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